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Please see attached summary for year ending 31st May 2018

Opening balance of £2,696.54

A total of 12 societies affiliated this year at £25 each.

104 tickets for the 2017 Awards Evening were sold, compared to 146 the previous year, giving CTG a net income of £250.

There were a total of 31 adjudications this season at £95 each, making a total income of £2,945. The adjudicator fees have been paid for this year at a total of £3,358. That equates to adjudications actually costing the CTG an average of £108 each, and thereby being subsidised from funds held by approximately £13 per adjudication.

General expenditure on the website, postage etc remains low.  

Our closing balance remains healthy at £2,606.54 and therefore the committee has decided to propose to the AGM that the affiliation fee and the adjudication fees payable by societies for the 2018/19 season remain the same as last year at £25 and £95 respectively.

If the accounts are accepted by the AGM, then they will be handed over to an independent examiner.


Sandie Laughlin, Cheshire Theatre Guild Treasurer. 2/6/18